Hurt or Heal: Reforming Family Law

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Tears blur your phone screen. Anger punches your fingers at the keyboard as you hit up Google looking for a Family Law lawyer. You want the kids, the house, and the vintage LP collection your spouse has spent a fortune on. You want an attack dog of a lawyer who will fight to get it all for you.

That’s what a lawyer does, right? Fight for you?

Yes, and…no.

A good lawyer fights for your rights under the law. Your lawyer should care about you, your children, your family law matter, and your future. Your lawyer should not be your personal flaming sword of vengeance, a misconception fostered by television dramas— and many lawyers looking to make a buck at your expense.

High-conflict cases, driven more by hurt feelings than points of law, mean more letters exchanged, more court documents drafted, more court appearances attended, and more hours billed. This is never a good idea. In addition to costing you more, this kind of approach increases the hostility and damages the prospects of you and your spouse working at parenting your children together. Your children will be able to feel the tension instead of being shielded from it.  

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With the backlog of cases due to Covid-19 court impacts, it’s now more evident than ever that when choosing a Family Law lawyer that is right for you, you should try to find someone who will help reduce conflict, not exacerbate it.

You want a lawyer who can steer you through the trauma of divorce.  A lawyer who will advocate for you, not entrench you into staunch positions. A lawyer who cares about you and focuses on settlement and your children’s best interests.  Your lawyer should help you find ways to share your and your ex’s funds equitably and create a Parenting Plan that works best for your children, not add flames to the fire burning not only your money, but your chances of achieving both of these goals.  You want someone who knows it’s not about spreading the hurt, but focusing on healing.

If you’re in need of a Family Law lawyer, our team of lawyers at Warsi Daitchman LLP are here to help and guide you towards a resolution that focuses on trying to settle effectively, and in your and your children’s best interests. Reach out to us for a free initial consultation.